Our Savior Lutheran Church
Committee for Outreach

Our Savior
Lutheran --
where God is
seen, love is felt;
lives are changed.

The Evangelism Committee is responsible for congregational and outreach evangelism, striving to stimulate and lead all members in concerted and continuous endeavors to reawaken the spiritually indifferent and to reach others with the Gospel and attach them to Christ's Church.  

Congregational evangelism is ministering to each other at Our Savior.  Outreach evangelism is reaching out to those in our surrounding community as we meet the needs of people with the message of the Gospel, that Jesus Christ is our salvation.

Communion to Homebound:  It is important that those unable to come to church have the opportunity to receive Holy Communion on a regular basis as well as a visit from a member of Our Savior.  Communion is taken on the first Sunday of each month.

Dorcas Ministry:  This ministry is to those who have had a death in the immediate family, been in the hospital, sick at home or some other health related problem.  The members of the committee usually respond to the need for meals, transportation or other need.

Hospital and Homebound Visitation:  When it is known that someone is in the hospital or is homebound, Pastor or someone from the congregation will make a visit.  If you are interested in this ministry (or in any of our other area of ministry), ask how you can be of service.

<Sunday Greeters Ministry:  Welcoming and greeting parishioners and guests before the service to acknowledge their presence and inviting them to stay and partake in fellowship in the Parish Hall is the responsibility of the greeters.   A warm greeting and direction for visitors enhances the overall worship experience.

Prayer Chain:  Prayer is our most powerful resource.  Prayer Requests will be kept confidential unless you want them to be in the Sunday morning prayers.   New intercessors are always welcome.   We can email the list to you if you are out of the area for a significant time.

Loss Support Group:  This is for anyone who has suffered loss.   This could be a loss of a loved one, separation, divorce, loss of job, or just that you feel you might have gotten lost.   We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 5:00 p.m.

Nursery:  The nursery is available during the education hour and the second service for children up to 4 years old.   It is located in the office building.  Activity boxes are in the entrance area (Narthex) for younger children to use during worship.   A changing table is in the woman's bathroom next to the Sanctuary.

Publicity:  Notices of upcoming events and special occasions are placed in the local media.


Our Savior Lutheran presents a week of music, Bible stories, and crafts for children.   Come join the fun this year June 3-6, 2024  Stayed tuned for details.